Saturday, March 07, 2009

Raining non-stop

It has been raining for many afternoons for the past few days.. pretty cooling weather but when its not raining, the weather can be very heat up.. I've been looking for some resin figurines recently, figurines of Five Star Story. After much lookup, I found out that resin figurines is actually very rare locally.. especially for robots, in fact you can only order from abroad(hk).. And of course the next thing that concern me is the pricing, a sinple robot of a typical mug-size height can cost more then $80.. The figurine cost so much is because its all handpainted..

Just this afternoon, I went down to Sunshine Plaza and I found a figurine of "Bangdoll" of Five Star Stories at one of the shop there.. Its actually the second time going down there to look for the figurines.. The other time I went was Monday, but by the time I got there, all shops there are almost closed.. So no choice I gotta make another trip down..

..And I went to a shop in Yishun for some car decals, but I don't have the photos up here yet..
Stay tune..

Tomorrow is another working day.. I've been working so many Sundays already.. 加油!Work work work..



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